December 5, 2023

A Dusting of Snow on Hawaii’s Tallest Peaks

Snow lingered on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa after a storm brought copious precipitation to the island chain.

December 4, 2023

Atmospheric River Flows into the Pacific Northwest

A warm, moisture-laden weather system soaked western Washington and Oregon.

November 23, 2023

Anchorage Blanketed in Snow

The Alaskan city received record snowfall in November 2023.

November 9, 2023

Floodwaters Fill Badwater Basin

Record rainfall associated with Hurricane Hilary in August 2023 created a large temporary lake in Death Valley.

December 12, 2022

Science for a Rainy Day

The NASA/USAID SERVIR program is helping Asia adapt to changing rainfall patterns.

February 12, 2021

California’s Rainy Season Now Starts a Month Later

California's annual rainy season now begins a month later than it did just 60 years ago, shifting from November to December. The results are consistent with climate models that predict drier autumns for California in a warming climate.

July 20, 2020

Carrying Water For The Community

Water is critical for the arid, underserved Navajo Nation. Carlee McClellan, Navajo hydrologist, is working with WWAO to deliver a space-based solution for monitoring water availability. 

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April 21, 2020

When it Comes to Water, Think Global

Planet Earth should be named Planet Water, with 70% of its surface covered in ocean. Yet the freshwater that sustains our lives is a precious resource. NASA is at the forefront of monitoring it from every angle.

April 19, 2020

Tracking Water For The Navajo

A new web tool designed by WWAO scientists could help the Navajo Nation anticipate and respond to drought. The latest maps give insight into the moderate to severe drought conditions affecting much of the area.

March 31, 2020

Seeking Relief From Drought, Navajo Turn to NASA

On the Navajo Nation, access to drinking water is limited. Over 40 percent of homes lack running water. The community is hit by frequent, pervasive drought. WWAO is developing a new drought tool that, with the help of satellite data, will enable Navajo water managers to hone in on drought severity and better manage the water they have.