A Dusting of Snow on Hawaii’s Tallest Peaks
Snow lingered on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa after a storm brought copious precipitation to the island chain.

Atmospheric River Flows into the Pacific Northwest
A warm, moisture-laden weather system soaked western Washington and Oregon.

California Announces Initial Allocation of 10 Percent to its State Water Project for 2024
California's Department of Water Resources announced an initial State Water Project allocation forecast of 10 percent of requested supplies for 2024. The SWP provides water to 29 public water agencies that serve 27 million Californians.

Bringing NASA's Water Data to Life
Google's immersive experience, "A Passage of Water", uses satellite data to illustrate how climate change is affecting Earth’s water cycle.

Proposed Rules Require U.S. Cities to Replace Lead Pipes in 10 Years
Most U.S. cities would have to replace lead water pipes within 10 years under new rules proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce lead in drinking water.

Better Ways to Promote Urban Water Conservation
Reducing water use in cities and suburbs is key for helping communities get through droughts. The Public Policy Institute of California discusses how to optimize urban water conservation.

NASA to Showcase Earth Science Data at COP28
NASA will share its Earth science data and knowhow at the 28th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28).

Malaspina Glacier in a Riot of Color
Beautiful color palette reveals the features of an iconic glacial landscape in southeastern Alaska.

Idaho’s Potato Belt
Almost one-third of American potatoes are grown in the Snake River Plain, a belt of low-lying land in the southern part of the state.

Anchorage Blanketed in Snow
The Alaskan city received record snowfall in November 2023.