Where Does L.A. Get Its Water From?
Along with aqueducts built over the years to transport water from other regions, the city of Los Angeles is looking at other options for its future water supply.

Lake Powell Rebounds but Drought Remains
A wet winter in western states provided a short-term reprieve to the decades-long drought in the reservoir.

Home Insurance Becoming Harder to Get in Places Like California, Florida
Homeowners in areas prone to disasters – including wildfires, floods, and hurricanes – are finding it difficult to get insured.

Floodwaters Fill Badwater Basin
Record rainfall associated with Hurricane Hilary in August 2023 created a large temporary lake in Death Valley.

Strong El Niño Could Bring Extra Floods This Winter
A strong El Niño this winter could mean cities along the west coasts of the Americas could see an more frequent high-tide flooding.

Measuring Groundwater Overdraft in the Sacramento Valley
Much recent attention towards groundwater sustainability has focused on the heavily overdrafted San Joaquin Valley. However, the Sacramento Valley also needs to bring its groundwater basins into balance and avoid significant undesirable results of pumping.

SWOT's Unprecedented View of Global Sea Levels
Sea surface height data from the international Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission yields a mesmerizing view of the planet’s ocean.

El Niño Forecast to Contribute to Food Insecurity
Shifting rainfall patterns are projected to leave millions of people without consistent access to food in late 2023 and early 2024.

New Radar Mission to Provide Dynamic View of Forests, Wetlands
NISAR will help researchers explore how changes in Earth's forest and wetland ecosystems are affecting the global carbon cycle and influencing climate change.

California Groundwater Management Continues
California Advances Sustainable Groundwater Management with Release of 17 Basin Determinations.