November 28, 2023

Better Ways to Promote Urban Water Conservation

Reducing water use in cities and suburbs is key for helping communities get through droughts. The Public Policy Institute of California discusses how to optimize urban water conservation.

November 21, 2023

Where Does L.A. Get Its Water From?

Along with aqueducts built over the years to transport water from other regions, the city of Los Angeles is looking at other options for its future water supply.

November 9, 2023

Floodwaters Fill Badwater Basin

Record rainfall associated with Hurricane Hilary in August 2023 created a large temporary lake in Death Valley.

November 7, 2023

Measuring Groundwater Overdraft in the Sacramento Valley

Much recent attention towards groundwater sustainability has focused on the heavily overdrafted San Joaquin Valley. However, the Sacramento Valley also needs to bring its groundwater basins into balance and avoid significant undesirable results of pumping.

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October 30, 2023

SWOT's Unprecedented View of Global Sea Levels

Sea surface height data from the international Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission yields a mesmerizing view of the planet’s ocean.

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October 26, 2023

California Groundwater Management Continues

California Advances Sustainable Groundwater Management with Release of 17 Basin Determinations.

October 26, 2023

Can Proposed Desalination Plant Solve Arizona’s Water Problems?

A recent 23-year-and-counting megadrought on the overallocated Colorado River has led to significant cutbacks for Arizona and junior water rights holders. Could a desalination plant help?

October 1, 2023

The Mississippi is Mighty Parched

In September, low water levels made it more challenging to ship goods down the river and allowed a wedge of saltwater to move upstream.

August 17, 2023

New Partnership to Pilot California's First Blue Water Farm

OceanWell and Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) announced today their partnership to pilot California's first ever Blue Water farm.

February 3, 2023

A Double Whammy: Wildfire Debris Pollutes Drinking Water

As our climate changes, extreme wildfires are becoming the norm. They cover the ground with debris that can contaminate watersheds and drinking water supplies after a heavy rain.